Latest News: Participating again in Water, Energy, Technology & Environment Exhibition (WETEX-2024)
SCADA & HMI Solutions For System Monitoring

Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) is a system of software and hardware elements that allows industrial organizations to, Control industrial processes locally or at remote locations, Monitor, gather, and process real-time data, Directly interact with devices such as sensors, valves, pumps, motors, and more, Record events into a log file. SCADA systems are crucial for industrial organizations since they help to maintain efficiency.

HMI is a user interface for mechanical systems, vehicles, or industrial installations. The HMI specifically handles the interaction between operator and machine. They can be local to a particular piece of equipment or device, or they can interface between multiple machines or devices (linked by a host control system) and users.

DCS (Distribution Control System)
A distributed control system (DCS) is a platform for automated control and operation of a plant or industrial process. A DCS combines the following into a single automated system: human machine interface (HMI), logic solvers, historian, common database, alarm management, and a common engineering suite.
PLC Programming & Engineering
PLC is a Programmable Logic Controller solution offering many benefits to companies of all sizes that may require its programmable logic capabilities and ensure cost effective control of their equipment or processes.

Complete Measuring & Instrumentation

Automation Systems & Instrumentation
We add value to our services by offering abroad range of industrial control & Measuring equipment, leading solutions, project management, integration and support services for industrial projects.

Low Current & Instrumentation Systems
Integrated design and analysis solution for industries with low voltage requirements, & instrumentation systems such as manufacturing facilities, rail and transportation networks, life sciences facilities, and more.

RTU ( Remote Terminal Unit ) remote monitoring system
A remote terminal unit (RTU) is a microprocessor-controlled electronic device that interfaces objects in the physical world to a distributed control system or SCADA (supervisory control and data acquisition) system by transmitting telemetry data to a master system, and by using messages from the master supervisory system to control connected objects.